Legal assistance for student employees

2018-08-14T13:21:26+02:002018. augusztus 14.|

The legal assistance network operated by the National Confederation of Workers’ Councils, called JOGpontok and the National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK) signed a cooperation agreement with a view to rendering information to student employees and to resolving their labour disputes.

Unexcused absences reached a record high

2018-08-14T12:45:03+02:002018. augusztus 14.|

In 2016, employees in the private sector did not work on 14,1% of the official working days due to holiday, sick leave, excused and unexcused absence, revealed the analysis of the Central Statistical Office. On the average, employees were absent from their workplace for 39.1 days in 2016.

Changes in the Cafeteria system

2018-08-14T12:41:31+02:002018. augusztus 14.|

The firm position of the National Confederation of Workers’ Councils is that the planned changes should not result in any wage decrease of workers and employees.   

After one and a half years the same wages are applied in the EU

2018-06-04T13:00:56+02:002018. június 4.|

The picture is getting clearer concerning the regulation relevant for Hungarian posted workers, but according to road transport companies for instance, road transporting should not be regarded as posting, the president of ÉVOSZ (National Association of Constructing Industry Entrepreneurs) has pointed out the fact, that 2/3 of Hungarian workers active in the constructing industry are not considered as posted workers but sole entrepreneurs – as written in the latest edition of ’World Economy’.

The VIIth Congress of the National Confederation of Workers’ Councils has unanimously elected Imre Palkovics to remain the President of the organisation

2018-06-04T12:32:08+02:002018. június 4.|

The Congress of the National Confederation of Workers’ Councils has unanimously re-elected Imre Palkovics to be the president of the organisation during its VIIth Congress in Balatonalmádi on 25-26th May. In his speech Imre Palkovics quoted Pope John Paul II.: „Technology transforms work. But the subject of work continues to be man.” He added: „The job of the Confederation is to protect the working man.”

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