Joint Declaration of the Participants of the Meeting of Trade Union Leaders of Visegrád Countries

2013-11-07T08:47:33+01:002013. november 7.|

The leaders of the trade unions confederations, members of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) from the Visegrád countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia - met in Prague on 7th October 2013 for their annual meeting. It was attended also by Józef Niemiec, Deputy General Secretary of the ETUC. This year the leaders debated the present economic and social situation in individual countries with special attention to the impacts of the crisis on industrial relations.

MOSZ support for starving children

2013-11-06T15:03:02+01:002013. november 6.|

The National Confederation of Workers’ Councils will support starving children by HUF 50 per person. The trade union is collecting more than 10 million HUF this year. The trade union members shall have their employers transfer the amount to the No Child Should Go Hungry Foundation. The Federation of Postmen was the first to join the initiative.

Wilfried Martens passed away

2013-10-15T13:48:57+02:002013. október 15.|

We were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Wilfried Martens, President of the European People’s Party. Mr. Martens was one of the most prominent statesmen of contemporary Europe, to whom we, the members of the European Christian family, owe a lot. His contribution to the development and success of the European People’s Party cannot be stressed enough. Under the leadership of Wilfried Martens, the EPP became the largest and most influential European political family, while the European Parliament has gained a more and more substantial role in the EU’s institutional system.

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