Colombian President to ILO: Peace is only possible with social justice

2018-06-02T10:07:12+02:002018. június 1.|

GENEVA (ILO News) – Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos told the International Labour Conference  (ILC) that having achieved peace, Colombia now needs to anchor it in social justice, by creating more jobs, tackling poverty and reducing inequality.  “I come to you today as the President of a country that is starting to build peace and is following a difficult but also hopeful path towards development, prosperity and more justice,” said Santos, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016 for pursuing a deal to end more than 50 years of conflict with a leftist rebel group. 

Enhancing communication strategies of workers’ organizations

2018-06-02T10:37:47+02:002018. május 6.|

“Enhancing communication strategies of workers’ organizations”; Focused seminar in the framework of special projects for workers’ organizations in the Western Balkans 2018 Budapest, 12-13 April 2018. MOSZ and TUC Nezavisnost held a common Seminar with the title of „Efficient communication strategies for Trade Unions” in the framework of EZA special project for workers’ organizations in the Western Balkans. The Seminar was organized in Budapest in the historical Gellért hotel. Given the great number of applicants we counted fifty participants from: Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Czech, Serbian, Slovakian trade unions.

EZA education and training programme 2018

2018-06-02T09:56:55+02:002018. május 2.|

The focuses of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA) 2018 education programme are the topics of “New labour relations: digitalisation and trade union strategies”, “Working and living in a digitised world”, “European pillar of social rights” and “Quality of work”. In addition, the topic of “Strategies of European institutions” is being continued, this year concentrating on “capacity building”. The special project for workers’ organisations in the Western Balkans is likewise being continued.

EZA Contributions to social dialogue 29 published: Digital World of Work

2018-06-02T09:46:27+02:002018. március 2.|

In an academic-practical education project in the 2016/2017 education year, the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA), in conjunction with the research Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) commissioned by the Österreichisches Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerbildung (ÖZA, Austrian Centre for Workers’ Training), contributed academic findings on digitalisation and the labour market to the seminars of five education partners from the EZA network, and enhanced this knowledge with experience from the practice of workers’ organisations.

Debate on female salaries

2018-02-06T10:39:34+01:002018. február 6.|

Though it isn’t a Hungarian specialty, that female wages stay below male salaries the Cabinet has initiated a consultation upon this matter. The Ministry for National Economy convokes the Permanent Consultation Forum of the Public Sector and the State – according to Világgazdaság.

40 Years of European Union of Christian Democratic Workers

2018-06-02T10:00:04+02:002017. december 2.|

60 years after the conclusion of the Treaties of Rome and 40 years after the founding of the European Union of Christian Democratic Workers, the European Union is the largest and most successful peace project of our times, a place where Europeans are rich in cultural differences, find strength in common values and enjoy more stability, security and prosperity than in many another places in the world.

Imre Palkovics was awarded the Order of Merit of Hungary

2016-10-24T12:33:37+02:002016. október 24.|

The Order of Merit of Hungary (civilian) was handed over to Imre Palkovics, President of the National Confederation of Workers’ Councils by Mihály Varga, Minister of National Economy on behalf of János Áder, President of Hungary on the occasion of Hungary’s greatest national holiday, 20th of August.

Minister for National Economy says social contributions may decrease

2016-10-24T12:29:12+02:002016. október 24.|

The gradual decrease of contributions could solve part of the domestic employment problems. The Ministry for National Economy is currently examining when and to what extent social contributions can be decreased, declared Mihály Varga, Minister for National Economy in an interview with Magyar Idők (Hungarian Times).

Significant wage increase required

2016-10-24T12:27:34+02:002016. október 24.|

According to industrial actors interviewed by Magyar Idők (Hungarian Times) newspaper, the severe shortage of labour will probably lead to a limited amount of wage increase but the problem can only be solved by urgent and dedicated governmental measures, adjustment programmes and new wage and contribution policies. Several companies are ready to recruit foreign workers while others halt their investments. Basic services are also jeopardised by the lack of human capital.

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